November 12, 2008

New Beginnings

Hi Everyone,

Not sure if you would have seen Dave's comment on his email, so I thought I would do a post and just let you know that Dave has started his own company: Here is his comment -

Was browsing the site again and thought I'd add that I have started my own company doing internet retail.

You can check out the website at


Dave, I will put the link on my Oceanos website as well, as that gets over a hundred hits a day, by the way I too opened my own company but as a consultant, I do want to get into the internet world as well, but will do that when I am not working. Also on another note, Discovery channel from California contacted me, and they sent out a team of guys from the UK to interview me for a programme on Discovery Channel, will probably be aired over Christmas time, it is called: "Against the elements".

Heaven ...

  I was shocked, confused, bewildered As I entered Heaven's door, Not by the beauty of it all, Nor the lights or its décor. ......