November 29, 2006

The "Secret" Garden - Fourways

I am so envious that we are not going to be in SA on Sunday the 3rd of December to meet up with all the old Premier folk. I am sure whoever is going it is going to be an absolute gas, it would be interesting to hear your tales next week, so email me and I can put them up on the blog or leave a message.

Here is a link to more information about the place:, it gives directions, menus and all other kinds of details. There is also another web site :
The address is:
16b Penguin Drive
Norscot Manor Recreation Centre

If You are attending on Sunday, please, please, please take some photos and send them to me for the blog!
Anyway Guys - have a drink for all your missing collegues and send us a text message, we will be thinking of you all.

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Heaven ...

  I was shocked, confused, bewildered As I entered Heaven's door, Not by the beauty of it all, Nor the lights or its décor. ......